Saturday, July 25, 2015

"A Masterpiece of Humanity" A Poem by V.G. Grace

It takes a lot to soften hearts.
Time's confusion
has blinded
like demented storms,
leaving fat
pregnant clouds.

Swollen wombs of the hostile
children of discontent.
We walk along,
we walk wet
in the afterbirth.

Burdens swap in and out
for sanctioned pleasures.
I'll trade you one hour,
he'll trade you one week.

Make it distracting.
Jesus, yes!
Make it cheap,
but don't forget

My mama once said
it shouldn't take Christmas
for people to smile at one another,
hold open store doors;

but neon-lit smiles
are a nice distraction.

Closed eyes
collective indifference;

too much shame to bear,
not enough attention to give.

Glittering purgatories
stretch out before the crowds,
while envy and resentment
feed like nectar
 to distracted

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