Thursday, December 13, 2018

"Disorder" A poem of collapse

by Victoria Grace

She said run,

run as fast as you can.

So I ran 

from him

who was draped

in the rotting flesh

of a man.

It was hanging

and drooping

to the floor,

I dared not brush against the curse

as I ran breathless

out the door.

He'd emerged from the shadows

as something

neither dead or alive.

I couldn't hear her screams anymore

and I knew that she hadn't survived.

We had been hiding

for just one day

in what we thought were empty rooms.

We'd been chased for so long,

we were lost in the dust

that had nearly become our tomb.

We had slept those few hours,

dreaming of food and the life 

that we once knew.

We woke up then

to his smell.

He was watching us with empty eyes

joined to destroyed tissue.

He had reached out a limb

that was no more a hand

but leftovers of rot.

He grabbed sister's face,

her skin started blistering--

oh God how she fought.

I hated myself for leaving

but there was nothing I could do.

I made it into the freezing night

but the fear inside me burned deep in my skin

and grew.

I smelled the diseased air,

the night sky was a deep smoky black.

I could see her body crawling through the front door.

That wasn't my sister.

I ran and never looked back.

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