Monday, December 3, 2018

"A Planetary Enigma" a Horror Poem by Victoria Grace

It hides amongst the shadows

in cruelest form.

Doesn't take long to emerge;

it's been waiting

for eternity.

Slithering out of time,

the means to measure

the amount of chaos it contains,

cannot be found.

The howl of generations future

is its song.

The remnants of the past are not long

for this new world

of tormented flesh

and misshapen figures

crawling the new soil and diseased sky.

Below, above, and within has opened up,

and unknown phantoms from unknown places cross over;

haunting and afflicting,

poisoning and reawakening.

A trembling old woman and a little girl

hide in the dark.

She tells the child stories of sunlight and freedom

as the child sleeps a brief peaceful escape.

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