Wednesday, July 15, 2015

"Shut Up" A Poem by V.G. Grace

Shut up.

I don't want to hear your lies.

Putrified bile envelops you while kindness you ceaselessly despise.


No more false witness 

against your brothers and sisters of the earth;

your heart stays closed to the folly of your greed and the truth of each person's worth.


Shut up.  

Compassion has never known you while cruelty is your mission and goal,
you throw away all that life offers and allow a withered mass to replace your soul.


Love does not know you while enmity is your friend,
you would be plotting against your neighbor while the world tumbles, collapses, and ends.


Shut up.
Your hatred crosses time and knows no bounds,

your ambition is built upon the backs of others while knocking your brother down.


Control is your weapon of choice,

you strangle the necks of those in your path. 
You permanently silence their voice.


These things I am speaking are all true,
 they fit like a glove.
You whose eyes cannot see, 
heart cannot feel;

those cunning lips that form words of guile but iniquity your body reveals.


Why has humanity forsaken your soul and malevolence made it's home?

Why has your conscious been reduced to plains where phantoms roam?


Shut up.

I don't want to hear your answer.


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