Saturday, July 18, 2015

"The Next Stop to Somewhere Else" A Poem by V.G. Grace

Her hair drifts in the wind, 

eyes contain rivers of sorrow;
her frail body 

the leavings of bruises 

for sins she committed tomorrow.

Quietly in the corner, 

trying hard to not be seen,
over a worn suitcase 

holding one change of clothing,

a toothbrush,

she leans.

Shoulders stoop under a thin grey sweater 

hiding his newest rage.
 Fingers shake, 

a cautious smile upon her lips,

she can't believe this freedom from her cage.

Her daily holocaust 

seeming to be done,
her eyes search the street, 

around the station, 

while waiting for the sun.

She hasn't heard his footsteps yet, 

hasn't seen his face.
She's hoped for this time, 

this day, 

this moment, 

to vanish without a trace.

Night is breaking. 

Dawn slowly glimmers throughout the sky.
Her fear is fading. 

She releases a long, soft sigh.

The bus is pulling in, 

that chariot of salvation.
 New life is beginning, 

a wondrous creation.

As she boards, 

her body trembles 

but her soul is strong.

Escape has come in minutes 

but the wait has been so long.

 She laughs out loud 

and laughs once more.
 Her hope returns.

Her spirit soars.

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