Saturday, December 29, 2018

"Time For An End" An Apocalyptic poem by Victoria Grace

Our daylight 

came after the 



in winter 

we'd ever seen, 

sun like flame, 

scorching the land.

Smoke of torment 


through eternity

from fires 

of the obliviously damned.  

The land is gone,

so is our civilization

and minds.

One by one,

we chose our destiny below-ground,

where we long for death

and witness incineration

of our bloodline.

Sometimes we remember stories

of cool times, oceans and mist.

The others who cannot bear it,

fill with fury, scream and throw up their fists.

Our skin hurts to the touch,

our new home is filled

with our pain from morning to what was once night.

The lucky amongst us crawl out of darkness

into the sun's bright blazing light.

But of sanity,

I told you,

the rest have long since thrown aside.

It's become distant memory what we were,

before His punishment,

before the world died.

I listen to the howls of them in this hole,

how different it is now.

Our end time was bound to happen,

it was just the when

and the how.

My last few days in my corner

has had me thinking quite a bit.

I am only one of few left,

I guess it's time for our spirits to quit.

I whisper my last thoughts from a bleeding tongue,

into the diseased air,

finally closing the hope

that all is just a very long nightmare.

If everything has been taken from me,

erased and denied,

one thing is true--

I tried.

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