Monday, November 16, 2020

"Invaded" A Scifi Prose Poem by Victoria Grace

True to the new form of life, patterns are of our universe gone haywire. But nothing is to come that hasn't already been put in place by the consequence of actions, the revelation of history, final destination of a journey.


Parallel, nestled in the dark corner of magnificent space, are foreign ways of being that overwhelm our planet, taking us over and making us a part of its energy. Pulsing from a common source, it's the only one that matters. Whizzing by asteroids, soaring past the sun, bypassing Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and friendly stars, it comes at just the right and wrong time.

Although our ancestors bled so we could live, sweat so that we could drink, it became so hard to understand why so much poison was still forced down our throats and spat back on the soil. So that's why we were spun around, controlled by it looming over us, hanging over our heads and possessing our movement.

We walk in the streets pretending not to notice this new massive presence staring down at us with ferocity. We brought this on ourselves and I wonder but then I wonder about the point of wondering.


We're finally in lock-step. It's funny that it took the change-up of survival and existence to just shut our mouths and stop the damn agitating.

Emptiness replaced the old hate and I'm wanting some kind of passion, yet there's no room for passion, no kind of room for things a cosmic entity killed dead.

Life continues in an offbeat way. We have our little moments of memory while walking down these crumbling lanes. It fills our heads with fleeting fragments of comfort and our eyes never raise to look at the frightening sky.


This passion I keep longing for is now replaced with an unbroken feeling of consumption; small and temporary objects that fill the need for just a little while while making us forget the master ruling this dead-end chapter of our new world.

Our eyes are kept from the sky, our hearts are pointed towards unknown plains. Our minds are still our own but I wonder how much longer? Then I wonder the point of wondering and keep on walking while it keeps staring down.

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