Monday, July 20, 2015

"Shabby Chic" A Poem by V.G. Grace

The gal's got torn stockings, 

her mother's jacket, 

and a smile borrowed from the dollar store.

She's ready to go, 

up for adventure, 

and knows where to get a good cup of coffee for ninety-nine.

She's gone past marching 

and does the fox-trot to her own personal drummer.

She's greedy for a knowledge 

she's not exactly sure where to find.

The crumbles of her day-old muffin 

linger on her pink lips. 

She licks them away absent-mindedly 

as she reads lines of poets she's never known 

but speak to her heart.

This is all she needs, 

all she desires, 

an hour 

or two 

or three 

or four.

She doesn't notice the blending into moonlight 

and persistent cough of waiters.

How she loves Keats!

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